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I just submitted a great photo of her from the same “shoot“ same bikini, by the same pool, all that stuff. That’s if staff is interested.
More please?
sweet mercy
Connect the dots
Cute face
By all means tell her. Immediately!
Met a girl off tinder a week ago. First date was amazing (two days ago), and we spend the entire day and night together yesterday (2nd date). basically we are both head over heals with eachother..if we both weren't working today we would prob hang out also. We text 24/7, and she says she really likes me a lot, and I feel the same. Kind of feels like love at first site.
I've been doing this for over 20 years, and I know you're wrong.
--Attracts many men, at least through the second date that is. But always seems to end up picking the wrong ones and passing up on the right ones, due to looking for the wrong things, going too much by "feelings", "instant butterflies", ect.
Exact opposite...
I'm ready to find that special woman to share my life with..
Been back on the dating train....met a great guy who just moved to my city, very sweet.
Originally Posted by HCEC
schoolgirlfan/jackbagj - errr, are you referring to me?? If so I'd be glad to hear any feedback?
no, those who cheated don't really know the impact of the CHEATING.
I think what you should be doing is going out to clubs and bars with your guy friends.. I am the same age and I have been doing that and meeting alot of girls.. its a numbers game. The more exposure you get and the more girls you talk to then the better your chances are..