Verflixt und zugenäht! Save Location. Aus dem Nähkästchen geplaudert. Please specify the airport or location where this photo was taken at. Because of that, there are some pretty good spotting opportunities from this lounge if you are lucky to get a seat by the window. Can't recognize aircraft tail number, please check your input or contact us to resolve this issue.
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However I know my character and I know I am insecure about myself, that I give people too many chances but also that I am vengeful.
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Every man faces rejection when pursuing women.
Well, that makes me feel a little better. I think I'm just inclined to think that when something weird happens, it's a big deal or I'm at fault. It's a pattern I've established for myself.
Here's what usually happens: I'm out with friends. I'm at a restaurant or in a bar. I live in a big city, so those places are inevitably noisy or cramped. My cellphone is in my purse, which is usually under the table or in my hand -- because I don't want to be the rude jerk who keeps it out on the table and checks it constantly. Or I'm at a friend's house or at my family's, socializing, and my phone is somewhere across the room in my bag. At some point I'll go to look at my phone (I'll usually check it maybe once every half hour or hour...maybe a bit less frequently depending on what I'm doing) and I'll see anywhere from 5 to 10? 12? missed calls from "BF" and/or a whole slew of text messages from him. Depending on what I'm doing at that particular moment I'll step outside and call him back. Usually AS I'm doing this, the phone starts to ring again. Lately sometimes I don't respond right away (recent examples: I'm with friends I haven't seen in awhile; I'm at a concert; I'm having a one-on-one convo with a friend and don't want to be rude). But all of this generally starts off because I've accidentally missed a call (or 10).
A.) online dating is hilarious and can provide great comedic relief if not taken seriously.
"Photos are real! But edited. The girl was sexy and hot, she provides a good massage. Her English is low and she was in rush and doing everything in a hurry"
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Late 30s. I wonder.. Maybe he still feels young and feels like he can go around and date lots of women before he gets too old?