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Hi, I'm easy going, honest and trustworthy. I'm looking for the same type person. I like to laugh and enjoy myself my partner and life. I can do without most drama. I like to travel and see and.
She all over the Internet now. Her sister is quite cute as well
"Met Helene tonight; she was an absolute sweetheart!! Had a great time... Looking forward to seeing her again.
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I myself have given up quite a lot and so has she. She gave up her house to move in with me etc.
Could have done without that second text where you ask if she really wants to see you. Oh well. Sounds like she does so give it one more shot and set a date.
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Funny, smart, easygoing, reserved, and outgoin.
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Honestly to me it sounds like she doesn't really want to be in a relationship with you but she doesn't want to hurt your feelings and wants to keep being friends, so she is trying to quietly deflect your advances.
Another thing you should know, the married guy will almost always choose his wife over you. Not worth the divorce and sex with someone new only stays exciting for a short while. You may think that one night of sex is harmless as I once did but I got a parting gift, an STD from a married women who I assumed was clean because she only had sex with her husband who she was separated from. I was her revenge sex but the joke was on her. Her husband was cheating on her and got an STD that she got from him but had no symptoms of. It never ends well.
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i'm not complaining by any means... but is this... is this even legal for her to walk around like that? O_O i never get lucky to see this irl :(
This is a trend I'm finding occuring a lot.
Thanks for your advice.
He was talking to a girl who he used to know in New York before moving to Florida, he had apparently made out with her right before coming here but nothing came of it. Hes lived here for 5 years now and ive been dating him for 2 years almost. in the past month he was acting just really odd and distant and making time for others and not me and calling me crazy for feeling that way. I went on his instagram (his password is the same for everything so it wasnt that hard to hack) and he had told one person he was talking to that he was single and the girl that he made out with right before coming to florida. The old flame I guess you could call her asked what he was up to and he said that hes sad he missed her while he was in new york in May (he was in new york in may bc he took me there to meet his grand parents and propose, ironically enough). They started sending cute instragram post back and forth privately, then it turned into very intimate post and sexual things they would like to do to eachother. He at one point sent her a post that said "it has always been you, every second, every minute" and what hurt the most is that the day he sent that I was literally laying right next to him in bed. To top it all off the things he sent his two cousins hurt as well. He said he wanted to visit texas where his one cousin lives but he better get laid if he pays for a plane ticket. I was literally rubbing his back and I had brought over dinner after working a freaking 12 hour shift and minding my own business bc i hate being a jealous lover so I try to not look at his phone and trust him, while he is literally giving this girl more attention than I got that whole day. God only knows what they texted each other and snapchatted.
The funny thing I did not even think I was flirting until all the younger people picked up on it.
righty and middle
Even her friend is checking her out.
A guy should be putting effort into dating in the beginning. If he's just asking to sit on the couch, he's lazy, and most likely just looking for sex.