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So, I would say, don't go there...
Girl realizes she is verging on losing herself, deletes guy from Myspace and phone as a safeguard from knowing anything about his life or the temptation to contact him. For her own sanity only, not to get a response from him.
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He's probably working up his courage.
Originally posted by vintim53
There are two red flags here. One is that she is now hiding her activities regarding this man and two is that she doesn't want to marry you.
I’ve had two LTR’s where I wasn’t happy, for differing reasons, and I have learnt from every single interaction what I am, what I want, and want I need in a partner.
It's bizarre to me that he, after a year, cannot say those words but his actions show me otherwise. I'm confused and torn. I want to leave but he WANTS to spend every day with me and is very affectionate when I'm there. Please note, our relationship is not based on sex. We can go days without it! We have great conversations and have similar likes, morals and values! He once mentioned to me that he had a girlfriend that he dated for 3 years and never told her that he loved her! He has issues with verbally expressing his feelings but has not problems exuding his love in actions. A friend of mine told me about a book titled "The 5 Love Languages" and I believe he just shows his love through his actions. Although I am a little confused about where this is going, I do plan on asking him this---
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