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4. If you really want feedback you could always try asking the coworker who set you up. Good for you for not trying to "calling her out" on Facebook. You would have been the one who would have looked dumb if you had....
Now ive had a month or so with zero contact (bar her weird text the other day) I can see now what a mess it was from mid december onwards.[B] Ill never truely know what went on[/B] and even though I said previously "I need to know" I actually dont now, Ive moved on and dont really care for her a jolt. Her actions have led to that.
I got confused is that a quote from a movie or game? And I read your post above very good but not what you were saying in the post I quoted you. I wouldn't have a stalker because I'm a man who has balls. They have no balls so they can get in certain situations where they don't want to be mean or what ever. I mean most of these girls stories are about guys who anoyed them not real stalkers... like an exhusband who is comming after you
Hi. i am not interested in hookups i am actually lookkng for something real does that exist anymor.
even the way you talked about it it was more a contract or business prospect or something than any relationship thing.
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