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Normale Arbeitswochen umfassen in Deutschland vertraglich zwischen 40 und 42h; mit Überstunden und Nacht- und Wochenenddiensten kommt man aber sehr schnell auf Stundenwochen und mehr. Semesters wird seit diesem Jahr wieder zuvor war das ein Jahr später eine schriftliche Prüfung abgelegt das zweite Staatsexamen. Geiger : Die Zahlen liegen im Bereich der früheren Jahre. Startseite Panorama So können sich Patienten gegen Ärztefehler wehren. Pauschal kann ich das nicht beantworten. Folge uns:.
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Damn you hellspride, have this queue! She's great (y)
I like her except for the IBTs... I like boobs! :)
2 thumbs up indeed
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I'd say this relationship is headed for far worse times if you continue. There's plenty room for more resentment building when people try to change each other's core personalities, to fit their own concept of how people should behave.
he wishes it didn't happen? the result was in his hands......he has no reason to wish for anything.
European roots, east coast background, well travelled, active, eclectic taste.
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^^^ THIS!!!!
My man works almost around the clock. Not to say I dont like him working, I just want him to find more time in his busy working time for me. ya feel me?
superminty: Stop uploading obvious college women. I shouldn't even have approved the first one you uploaded. I won't approve anymore of her, she obviously doesn't belong on this site. Final warning.
I would wonder what your intentions are. You say you really aren't that attracted to her so is it just the possibility of sex? I wouldn't ruin a friendship over just a shot of sex if you really don't see anything for the two of you. Just stay friends and if she keeps pushing you with dating talk just do like women and say, " I don't want to ruin our friendship".
LR, like she said, she doesn't care in the least. Just annoyed by his arrogance in presuming she was interested, when she gave zero indication of anything remotely resembling interest.
Be honest with yourself - do you want more time out of this guy? If yes, SAY SO and if he can't give it to you then perhaps it's time to walk away.