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Hi..my name is josh I'm 25 years old I'm very kind I'm very loayal I'm looking for a kind loyal women that don't judge on looks I'm look for true lov.
I would not suggest getting a bunch of male friends. Just let this one go, because sometimes guys change this over time. In a few years he may not feel the same way.
I have to be the voice of decent here. She is pretty but she is not the hottest girl on this site. Most of the pics are this same pose. getting old. 2 or 3 pics a day? Variety is the spice of life.
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And I joked back again, maybe taking it a bit far, and said, 'Date? Who said anything about a date? Awkward. I thought this was just business.' He then wrote, 'It was a typo..
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It is impossible to sell yourself in a paragraph and not seem conceited.Ok,, here goes! I'm extremely honest (which sometimes gets me in trouble) I really think I am a very good person and am looking.
What a time I had ... Just fab service with her. She is small cute and really good in bed made me feel so special. Keep it up honey I be back soon Xi"
New Comment Page #1086805
So how do I go about interpreting all of this? What is his deal? Should I tell him that I know about these lies - even though it will make me look like a stalker, obviously? Or should I just pretend I don't know and go along with it and give him a chance? I'm really tempted to call him now and call him out on his web of lies!!!
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Marriage topic is whole other discussion but it’s laughable to call ‘ring or else!’ based relationships loving...There are marriages based on love - usually between young (18-22) year old people, for the rest... practicality and being able to tolerate each other is the core.