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It really is confusing.
Originally Posted by dmb1
How would you guys feel about this? I don't want to give up all the things I like to do but I understand how it might make a guy uncomfortable. But at the same time, I've never fooled around with any of these guys (and that's no matter how drunk I get. I never get to the point that I would do something I regret sexually). I don't see anything changing if I happen to get into a relationship.
This is what happens sometimes when dating. First, he became distant then he stopped responding. Who knows why? The best thing to do at this point is date others and get very busy. You can send him texts but it won't matter. DON'T send any long winded messages about how you miss him or anything. He will probably come back to you with some lame excuse and you'll decided what to do then. Right now. You go silent. No contacting him at all. Each time you want to contact him you get out of the house and meet up with your friends. Chat with new guys. It always helps.
It Sucks Cuz I Think Im In Love W/ This Guy And Its The Best Feeling In The World, But Not If Hes Lying Or If Hes Not Physically Attracted To Me Idk...
Im very outgoing I love to have a good time and meet new peopl.
Hi.I am really new to this online dating things and just here for real and long term relationship that would lead to.marriage I don't care about the age difference I am 37years well you can contact.
Also, I'm interested why you weren't okay with your bf living with his ex. It sounds very much like the situation I am in now. We've been dating for a month, and it has gotten very serious fast (he actually just told me that his boss suggested he buy me an engagement ring). Anyway, he lives with his ex. He talked about moving out though his lease isn't up for another ten months. I told him just to stick it out and when the lease is up, perhaps we can move in together. He suggested moving in together sooner but I don't want to screw things up by rushing in. Perhaps if you and your boyfriend find separate places to live, things would improve. Then again, probably not unfortunately
Looking for other femm females to hangout with n take it from there;.