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Originally Posted by buzzie2
My guess is that the guy broke up with her and she is feeling like she needs someone to validate her and that she is still "wanted"....
hey "laddie" more cuties for our collection eh!
I think you need to read between the lines: he tells you he is gaining feelings too strong and needs to end things. A few days later you confront him about his ex and his concern is just to try to prove himself to you. It seems to me like he is into you and doesn't want to admit how hard it is to resist taking things to beyond FWB. His knee jerk reaction to your accusation says a lot. Some might think that looks guilty and it might be due to guilt, or it might of been because he doesn't quite know what to do with his feelings for you.
Both are stunning
She does smoke weed but she has been doing that since we met and since I am good friends with the person she buys from I know how much she smokes which so far its been a weekend thing for her. As for her drinking that I dont know. the only bottle we have is a bottle of johnny walker which is mine and besides she hates scotch. How would I be able to tell if she is depressed especially since I am gone all the time?
i almost didn't notice she was wearing a hat
I do not have meet me here so why not message me instead.. I can't see or know who it is when it's meet me or match me so .. If you do not live in California at least why bother me unless you do.
Well I am gay, lol seriously I am. I am out to most of my friends but not the world. So I am pretty straight acting. I know the guy (my best friend at college atm) for about a year and the first time I saw him I had an instant attraction to him and some how I feel he does too. Because I had a boy friend (broke up six months ago) at the time so I didn't do anything other than being just a good platonic buddy.
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Hello guys I don't know what is happening with me but I think i'm addicted to this real hot…
Plymouth: change the file name of the picture
Single with no kid...I'm caring honest and fun to be wit.
I am,not expectign a model or a 9 or 10 at all i just need to be with a somewhat cute girl i can imagine havign sex with at some point
very pretty, nice firm body
This one is fire (y)
beautiful latina brunette pink mismatch bikini red nailpolish hoh outside fallen tree necklace
To sum it up- seeking an honest, intelligent, tall, good- looking/ weight proportionate guy that wants a loving, sweet.
Originally Posted by lastonestanding
Trouble, yes... But the nicest kind.
I think you ought to send this gal a private email and let her know you are available because there aren't a lot of guys like you.