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I'm easy going, I like going to the movies, clic rock, coffee and conversation. I enjoy the simple things in life the most, like watching a sunrise or sunset with someone dear, good conversation. Im.
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I'm active, but very romantic girl. I love nice to spend my free time. I love good and smart people. Always ready to help any way I can. I love to make new friends! Always ready to communicat.
The nice thing is that I get to look at my pics whether they make it or not PLUS I get to check out the ones from you all that do make it. LIFE IS GOOD!
I would say this even if the genders are reversed. If one person is pretty much ALWAYS doing the initiating and texting, don't be surprised if they end up moving on.
Hi, well ok so i've been in school now the last 6 weeks, and started hangen out with some friends from there and such, and this one girl really nice girl attractive and just good qualities, was at a party and i was talking with her a little, and just getting to know her more. Well weeks went past, and i was in school on the computer talking to one of her good friends that is a girl also, and we were talking about this girl, and her friend goes to me, if she ever breaks up with her b/f i will more then gladly put in a good word for you, your such a nice guy. so i was like sweet ya know..... well her and her b/f have been going out about 4 months now, but last week the electric went out in school so i was talking with my friend and these two girls, and the one girl that has a b/f that i'm kinda taking a liking to, goes " your such a kinda hearted man " so when she said that i go y thank you, so yeah and we talked more after that a little then electric came on agian. So my question is does this girl like me our is she just being nice to me is there maybe something there you think??? thanks for your thoughts
I once was in a relationship where we were both really happy and we see each other 4x a week. My ex was going through some financial hardship at the time and was a little emotionally off. I was seriously there for him and helped him with making things better. Turned around and found him using a dating site.
she's smokin
the other girl with this shirt is way hotter
OP, what I would like to know is what exactly was the topic of the conversation. I think that would give us a bit more insight as to why he suddenly had a "moment".
I had not dated for years due to my PhD studies which I've just finished, and my father's death from cancer). But according to the answers here (I'm guessing made by men older than me No?), I might as well not bother with serious dating with men around my age anymore as it's a needle in a haystack! LOL I also wonder if Amazon stocks zimmer frames now, who knows, I may need them soon!
Originally Posted by tommyr
Lovely and beautiful!
amazingly hot!!
Not sure what else to writ.
I would suggest that you do not tell her that you looked at her Visa bill.
She's really fit
And I love every bit of her!