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Yes, I just measured myself and I'm only and exactly 5 inches rock hard and I'm not too thick either. Well there is this girl that I have been dating for 2 months now and we haven't had sex yet because of me. We have gotten close but I'm not confident in my size and I'm afraid if we do do it, I will not satisfy her. I'm afraid she will leave me and make fun of me because I know she has been with a lot of guys and she even tells me she hates guys with a small penis. But I never asked her what size she thinks is small. So is 5 inches small? I think it is small for me, but I need some advice.
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We're also only talking about a third date. Try to keep it in perspective and above all, keep ego/pride out of the equation!
That's great that you really want to stick to one woman and want to make sure she's right for you sexually before even getting started. It's just really hard to tell. Come to think of it, what I CAN tell you is that the majority of women are not interested in looking at pictures of the nude male physique, but if you found one that DOES enjoy male nudity (frontal), you're likely to have a live one!
On the other hand, you could try to make it work with this guy, just so u can not have ti go through the pain of truly losing him; you would also miss out on finding a guy that would TRULY make you happy.
Hi. just looking to see what's out there while trying to avoid psycho.
Very sweet and cute girl!
uh, maybe some guy who actually gets up from in front of his computer once in a while and talks up some girls?
Why, if he has moved on this far, and is clearly not with you any more, and you are not with him, is all this still going on?
Oh! and if you're hanging around an ex-trophy wife. You're acting no better than her and it's CERTAINLY not fair to the girl you're dating.
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Originally Posted by CrystalMinds
one word...... perfection
Bait and switch. She is currently not in country, But did not mention that in our communication. I went and found somebody else, she was okay so Idecided to go ahead but still I dont like surprises. If you are of the same view, try to avoid.
Just moved here.. I know no one. Lol I have not done this kind of thing in years but I figured.. What the hell. I'm very outgoing and humorous. I'm not skinny but I'm not a heffer either n hey I'm.
jc man, you're just not into her.