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I'm thinking your anniversary should be you first date.
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I am not paranoid. I play it safe and an educated woman will feel the same way. Woman are a dime a dozen and there are more single women today then men,,,but how many are drug-disease free-educated-not on meds-etc.
Ladies what do you think about what I did? I mean that was not a normal thing for me to do, but because of my job and the time frame I did not have much of a choice.
On top of the fact that you don't seem too flash on the idea of her friend living with you (I certainly wouldn't be) it seems like the solution is pretty obvious here. You need to put your foot down.
Man, this turned into a much longer post than originally intended.
O.O we can't make out here, this is bat country!
just a guy who likes guys. lo.
what if it had been the same guy, but once a month for nine months. and for the same reason of depression? and there was no more love and caring for that guy and vice versa than in the 9 guys who did it with her? would that change anything for you? I suspect it would, because some how the mere fact that it was 9 different guys instead of just one would probably make her seem less neurotic and more moral to alot of men. but how, exactly?
Hello I love putting my God first in my life Iam looking for a woman who can se.
A little sweetheart
I just wanted to point out the HUGE bias inherent in that study due to the fact that it is usually younger women pushing for marriage. As a result, those couples would get over-represented.
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To I don't think things are so black and white as to love or practicality . The idea of unconditional love is not a good one and it can make people stay in unhealthy situations. How many times do we hear "he hits me but I love him"; "he's an addict but I love him" etc.
It has been bothering me a little lately, that after three months, we still weren't 'official'. When he introduces me, he just says, 'This is Kate'. Not, 'this is my girlfriend, Kate'. It's kind of awkward because all my friends and family know about us and how much we see eachother and how serious it's gotten. For me to say, 'this is my friend...', seems off and uncomfortable. He is not my friend. He is much more than that.
i will message yo.
And aren't there required classes for psychologists and psychiatrists about how their clients/patients will inevitably develop crushes on THEM? Isn't it then safe to assume that the same type of thing might happen here? If it did, where better to ask the question that plagues you? I see the catch-22.
We had our first date 4 days ago and it was everything I could have hoped for--the conversation was amazing, the attraction was crazy, we kissed at the end, he held my hand as he drove me home. He brought up my divorce and his but we also had plenty of fun banter. He kept telling me how cool and smart I was. We agreed we'd go out again late this week.
Thanks for the session it was so nice my mistress sure will have another session soon <3
Hi..my name is Christopher, but prefer to be called Chris. Married twice to women who broke my heart and cheated. I am a warm and compassionate man who just wants to be loved by a woman who's honest.
I do, but I refuse to do the f*ck first, ask questions later thing that they all seem to press for. "Living in the moment" is just another way to say "FWB" or "f*ckbuddy" while they sexually sample other women simultaneously and we are 'getting to know' each other. If the words 'live in the moment', 'go with the flow' or 'do what comes naturally' comes out of a guy's mouth, that's code for "I'm emotionally unavailable, but I want to have sex with you, and be vague as long as possible so I can keep seeing other women and pretending I give a shyte about you"
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