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I think the "feeling" is caused by anxiety. I have anxiety too and the thoughts tend to jump to the worst case scenario even though that is not the case. The pull back from communication bc he is away prob triggering it
Nice?Awesome more like XD (y)
Just to comment that the this is a lovely lady that provides a great service. I meet her late week…
more play time
Till the next time mon chèrie.
Anyway. Thanks for taking the time to read.
EDIT: And dont listen to the guy talking about penis size. Blacks are not statistically super larger than white dudes.
Great zoom. Very cute, love her braces and IBT's
i like this guy but i feel that hes playing games. im starting to play games and find tactics to play w/ him and get him to be more committed or interested in me.when i act distance he acts more attentive. what should i do? aside from all this, he is a caring and a genuine person.
If not, I d let it go.
Hi..I'm a 55 year-old lawyer. I'm originally from middle-downstate New York. I moved to Georgia for law school. I've been divorced since April, 2015. My parents live outside of Hilton Head, SC, I.
dating again.
Rasaka, you need to ask her everything you just told us (In a discreet and amicable way). If you can't be that open with her then she's not the one for you.
It wouldn't bother me much at all, but I'm not a big 'birthday' person. He did celebrate and get you a gift, it really depends on your relationship at this point. Did he hang out with you on your 'real' b-day and not say 'happy birthday?' or did you guys just not see each other. Either way I probably wouldn't care, still.
I love you too.
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Yes, I agree with this. You lost his trust and he thinks you're just dating around. In the past he's probably been given the "but we weren't exclusive, I had every right to sleep with that entire football team" line which so many multi-daters on here would probably agree with. He doesn't want to be one of many, he doesn't want to play the "pick me" game. And I don't blame him at all. Like TFY, I would also have bailed by now.