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And give him his space. His files are his. You are getting him as a man. Do not try to change him. Accept his as he is or leave him.
It happened last night. I was standing outside with some friends in the smoking area of a club and we're talking about nothing in particular. Some girls came up to us and we fell into conversation. I was speaking to one and I suspected she might be interested, so I slipped the fact I had a girlfriend into the conversation a fair few times. Usually I'd have just moved on, but I didn't want to be rude as she was on the same law course as me and we'd likely see each other again at some point. I figured the mention of the girlfriend would put an end to any designs she had.
Leave him alone for now. Offer one heartfelt apology via phone and leave it at that.
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Has anyone been in a situation like this, where someone keeps you at a distance, sends the wrong signals, yet you know they are committed? How did you deal with it?