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Stomp what he or your friend is saying.
Sorry to sound like I am crude...well I basically am crude, and there really is no way to sugarcoat it.. I am no diplomat but I am fairy certain this guy is not above board and only interested in you on a short term basis. The request on his part was a dead giveaway.
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Do you want my honest critique?
I don’t want to be the evil selfish person that puts herself over a person who might have cancer, but that is exactly what I’m doing. Please, someone tell me I’m being unreasonable. Tell me any normal person would fly to take care of her, since she really has nobody else in this country. Tell me I should be ok, that I should keep dating this guy when he gets back. I hate that this is the end. It’s breaking my heart.
i think that you should tell him that you love him or care about him a lot and that you want the relationship to work. but, you can't keep having these fights that last this long bc it is not healthy. tell him that the relationship is not a game and that all this immaturity is getting out of hand. tell him that you understand him and that you will be willing to compromise whatever (what you fought about). tell him that communication is important and that you guys are not going to grow or move on if this keeps happening. just make sure that you're patient and calm and also that he knows you still care. but after sometime and he still doesn't communicate and does the same thing....just consider your options. if he doesn't make an effort to change it will really make you unhappy in the future and you will end up resenting him.
1. Men are not allowed to have female friends.
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