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See, this is the reason why you never date older or younger woman. You need to date a woman same age as you are so that both of you are same maturity and at same point in life to want to have kids. I'm 32 and am ready for kids but when I was 24 I wasn't.
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Please let me know if I should trust her and let her show me or what. She promised to change and shes not a bad person and I dont think shes texted anyone before this and shes always calling and texting me but this trust issue in a LDR is very hurtful.
I hooked up (one night of not-so-great sex) with a guy over the summer, we'll call him Z. Z basically led me on and wound up treating me like crapola. I realized what a jerk he was, what a huge mistake I had made, and moved on quickly. The experience was not worthy of remembering, and he's really not all that nice of a person. Quite honestly, it was something I wanted to forget.
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Hi my name is Jose, I'm 45 an adult and a real gentleman. I'm looking for a real mature friendship with an nice open minded woman that loves life and is willing to share her thoughts, hopes and.
However don't say its normal or healthy. Its sad when two people have to think about other people because they can't get turned on by their partner alone.
Amazing girl. Love the pants. Nice how she has "JB" on her cheek.
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