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I met my boyfriend online. First shot right out of the gate. My first Match date ever. The day I canceled my subscription he emailed me and I gave it a shot after ignoring every email that was ever sent to me. Thank GOD I went out with him. He's awesome. He looked exactly like his photos, and his sense of humor cracked me up, unlike the guys who try too hard.
Physical attractio.
I just want to know if i can put this behind me and move on - he has given me no reason to think anything might have happened again, and yes he does still feel guilty about what happened and what it did to me
The girl has no sense of decency, and really, neither do you to be messing around with someone's fiancee.
LOL I have to say that's what it looks like now. lol
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BTW, I don't think joking around about the how many gf's you've had, counts as game. It might have come off as immature on your part and where she hit a wall with wanting to "go deeper" not be with a closed off guy who then turned her down. I don't see much "player game" in what you posted in your initial post. Just that she might have gotten over it. I don't necessarily think she was in the right herself or that it was very mature of her to ask about other gf's but she will make a conclusion about what happens in that interaction based on what she wants. So in the future, you could use that as an opportunity to "open up" in some way but not necessarily answer the question about past gf's since we all know that is a minefield! Good luck
Seems like any outcome other than a woman rejecting a guy is a dog act or him ego stroking?
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If a girl texted me she had fun after a date and I felt the same way then I would have took ((((2)))) seconds out of my time to simply text 'Me too'
I'm out going , passionate, i love to have fu.
Thanks for your advice.