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i think you should talk to her about it, without delivering any ultimatums. Just ask her why its so important to her to exclude you from this area of her life, and tell her it hurts your feelings. Her response may trigger your next move.
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Unless of course you do, and the benefit of accompanying her is to get a Lifetime Movie of the Week fantasy fulfilled of getting banged by a rich hot guy in an Italian Seaside Villa with no strings attached while the boyfriend is back home and none the wiser?
I'd normally agree completely and not bother trying, it's just how she acts when we are with each other that makes me sure she does like me too. She may just be like this with everyone, or always just pick her favourite guy out of whoever is present at any one time. Would you say to call her in the week or wait to see her next weekend? Ideally I'd call her and make plans for Saturday, rather than just seeing her and asking her out for that day. Thanks
Originally Posted by green_tea
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Thanks. I can always use a new tag!
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