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when we do see each other, however, she's very sweet and delightful... she often expresses how happy she is that we're together, how she tells her friends about us, that they're happy for us, and that i'm such a great person... she's also said that i'm the only one for her and she's very appreciative of me taking her out, being such a gentleman, and overall just treating her like a princess...
but i'm told I got a very nice smil.
Hell yes
I am a regular gal who is looking for a regular gal. Someone that wants to ride the waves of life with me. No stories, indecisions, waste of time. I like things clean and simple. I like to do most.
With that said, I think biological age isn't a good predictor of relationship success. I know she lied to you, but do you love her anyway? Despite her mistake and her caving into societal myths that 30 is over-the-hill somehow.
Damn... nice arch
no point in continuing with this. Just break up with your BF, otherwise your bf will be on here in ten years talking about how he just found out his wife cheated on him when you two first got together. Yes your bf will find out one day and that will kill him. Break up with the guy before he invest anymore time in you.
yeah that's classic jb, she has a permanent home in my folder
We have now been arguing literally all day. He says he doesnt feel he needs to check in with me everytime he sees someone. I said he doesnt, but if he purposely says he will not see her as a solution to a problem and then he sees her i feel I deserve enough respect to be told. He says that I am blowing this out of proportion, and that he didnt even have to tell me he saw her- he could have lied. I asked him why he would want to be in a relationship where lying was better than honesty, and he admitted he often tells me things I want to hear. This upset me even more. I then told him it hurt that he said he would never see her again with the sole intention of shutting me up, and that he never planned to follow through. I said it hurts me and it makes me wonder WHY i should trust someone who will say things they don't plan to truly do just to appease another. I said, you always tell me you wont lie or cheat on me either and sayign one thing and not following through could lead to me questioning those other things you say.
What do you guys think? Is this girl starting to like me or does she just see me as a really cool friend?
I've been here and what I've learned is to believe them the first time around.
Do you know where you'll be? Trying to sleep off your depression in a one bedroom apartment, lonely and getting older and more and more single by the day.
what an angel...love the outfit.
should i apologize then?
b) seems preoccupied with Bad Boys
I understand you want time to hang with your friends, but you clearly do not understand that you are neglecting your guy, and his needs.