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fantastic smile!
I agree with what everyone has said. You have a very warped definition of love. That is not love and it is very dangerous. How would you feel if she were doing that to you? Do her a huge favor, be honest to her for once and let her go. You are absolutely pitifull.
Weird examples: He describes his last "serious" relationship as being one where she lived with him. During the course of several conversations, I learn that they only dated 7 months...yet they lived together. When I ask why that is, he said, "Well, she didn't officially live here, but I considered us living together because we spent so much time together." Seems like he makes judgments about relationships that aren't grounded in reality.
He was like, "You couldn't tell?" He told me he thought we were leaving because the bar was closing and if he would have known I was going home with her he would have stopped it.
Met Maika yesterday and what can I say? She truly deserves the 5 star rating that has been given to her. Requested her to wear something special and she duly obliged. What's more, she stays in a classy location with no disturbance whatsoever. Unfortunately I was unable to perform and she was clearly sad and kept teasing me by saying ""I hate you. i so badly wanted to have sex."" What a guy would do just to hear that from a woman? I have promised her that the next time will be a far better effort from my part. She on her part was a hungry beast. She's not in it for the money but because she loves what she does. Miss you so much already babe!!!
hey its chubbette! I love this girl!
3.) when do people kiss on dates?
well im almost 23 and he just turned 28....i've known him since sept 2004 when we started working together bt i havent seen him since beginning of june since our job ended. but he's been the one to call me every 3-4 days for the past 2 weeks then txt me the other morning, which seemed to be an advancement. i talked to my friend told her things he'd do at work. like tap my foot when he walked by, every once in a while touch my arm like if i teased him he'd lightly punch me...came out to the bar with my friends once when i invited him...people at work made comments about us....things like that. to me he seems interested and it baffles me why we aren't dating b/c i look around at other people and if we were someone else we'd be dating...so i'm confused...
It's way more complicated though because she's cheating on him with you.
Im 22 years old, and I just started school. Im in the LVN program, and i've been going to school for 5 weeks now. To go to school here, you have to get all your shots and the immunizations and all, which im working on getting done soon. The director/student advisor (parents owns the school) He asked me if I needed a ride to go get my shots, because I have a DUI and I cant drive for a while. He said he would take me on his lunch break. I said no, because my friend is going to take me. He talks to me almost everyday after school until my ride comes to pick me up. He got my cell number, and he text me every weekend wishing me a good weekend. But he hasnt called yet. Onece when I was in class, he text me to come to the office. I couldnt because I was taking notes for a test. Then I saw him later and he told me he just wanted to give me some chocolate that was being passed around the office. He text me two weeks ago and asked if I wanted to go to the movies "just as friends" because he thinks I would be cool to hang out with. I said no because I had to study, BUT I told him next weekend, which never happend. Then just yesterday he told me that I could call him whenever I wanted to to talk,..and then I turned the table and said he should call me to talk whenever. ..but he said its better if I call him just in case im too busy. (lol)...silly right? PLEASE HELP ME FIGURE OUT WHAT IS GOING ON HERE! IS HE REALLY INTERESTED IN ME? OR WHAT? WHY ISNT HE CALLING ME AND ONLY TEXTING EVERYTHING? I LIKE HIM AND I THINK HE IS SWEET! HELP!!!!
yeah I've had admin delete quite a few of mine in the last few days also, lol
facepainter- love lefty. righty is way too fat. enormous belly
Great shot. Props to photographer.
amazing looking
She got a 'tude! I like it!
if you keep your eyes and ears open, it's very easy to tell when something's fishy. no need to go thru emails or cell phone bills. After spending soem time with the person, u can tell when something's up.
fit cuties... amazing little stomachs on both of them