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You're right that most women write bad profiles. But they also get that it is their pictures that get responses or not. Maybe you can make it a point to write only to women who write a good profile, no matter how they look in their pictures?
Sounds like he wanted sex and settled for a blowjob figuring that would be the best he could get. What you should have done was make HIM pleasure you orally first to see if he was any good. Make him wait for his own pleasure if you had any doubts. Of course no guarantees he wouldn't have bolted in that case either.
Oh they've been on sale for quite some time now. All you have to do is come to me. Don't listen to that Ettu guy, or whatever his name is. He'll fill your head with nothing but lies. Just send your money to me and I'll take care of the rest.
mack: I'm talking with a few guys that are interested in helping out :) Queue time is still less than 96 hours believe it or not but it's getting harder since you guys are uploading about 1000 photos daily! I'm approving photos from the 27th tonight ;)
I'm not saying this to be mean. I'm saying it because I used to do the same thing and waste my time on guys who weren't interested - or not interested enough.
and you deserve better than that.
I'm from O'ahu, Hawai'i. I'm Hawaiian with other ethnicities. I was raised in my cultural ways. Moved to southern California in 98 and been here since. Started to teach my Hawaiian.
Try this with the next interesting guy who approaches you...... expect him to ask you out on a date. If you enjoy the date, express that to him, non-sexually. Rinse and repeat for one month without having sex. If he doesn't want to *date* you, he doesn't get to enjoy your valuable company. If you do this, and I recommend, if you are not meeting men whom interest you, to next them and date others who do, you will change your mindset and will begin to attract a different kind of man. Try it
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What exactly is the couch thing? Why was it wrong?
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Is it really that obvious? What makes you say that?
This year for Lent I gave up checking his e-mail and anything that requires me to use his password. It is wrong wrong wrong.....and if I did find something out what do I say "Oh yeah I hacked into your e-mail months ago and have been reading it and I found out you did such and such."
Until & unless he actually asks you out or propositions you, act as though it's innocent but be guarded against the possibility that it's not.
all school cheerleaders should have short tops that shows tummys and ribs. get away from the old 50s style dork uniforms.
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