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I've been with my boyfriend for almost two years. We've been living together for the past six months. He rarely picks up the check when we go out, sometimes at the cheap restaurants he'll pay. We make about the same amount of money. I always buy the groceries, I usually pay for our nights out. When I go shopping at the mall he asks me to get him something or if he goes with me, he just throws his clothes in with mine when I'm paying at the register, and doesn't offer to pay me back. I used to surprise him with small gifts, not anymore, because he would never do the same in return. Whenever I want to go on a vacation, I have to pay for the whole thing. So I stopped paying, but now we never go anywhere. He says that he doesn't have money, but that's because he spends it on himself (golf, gambling, clothing). What about me? How come I feel like I'm doing all the giving and he's never puting anything into this realtionship? All he does is come home from work, sit on the couch, hang out with his friends, watch TV. All I do is cook, clean, shop, and take care of everything he needs. Am I being selfish here, of am I being taken adantage of? Also, he's thinking about quitting his job and starting his own business, in the meantime he wants me to support him. I should mention he suffers from anxiety and depression for which he is on meds, that might have something to do with his behavior? I'm thinking about moving out.
Being alone is better than staying in an abusive relationship.