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Well, if you're not concerned about it, then great. Only you can accurately assess your feelings on this.
I think a better question would be why would someone uninterested in a life that accommodates kids go ahead and have them?
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We are saying that there are consequences to choices. We have all had them. We have all made bad choices. All of us. It is part of what makes us human. And it is perfectly understandable for you to feel attacked or like we don't care.
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2. Be funny. Tell jokes, better yet share observations or stories of yours that other people have found funny. Humor is a great way of demonstrating intelligence and poise.
Your right I like the other better though.
Anyone agree on this, yes, no?
Well I assure you that was my first and will be my last time ever sleeping with a guy on a first date! Lesson learned! It's just too bad it was learned too late for this guy. I can only imagine the impression he must have of me now.
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I do that too...While watching hockey! Though, I'm not in my undies. Good idea, may have to try that! I know! I can put my cheesy fingers on my nipples, then let my H lick it off!
I only met his kids after being together 6 months and was not impressed.
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