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I am kind, cheerful and responsive. I love good company and nice people. I am a creative girl. I love to take care of myself. I love everything beautiful, beautiful flowers, dresses and shoes. I took.
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He explains her behaviour that i treated her bed once we met first time. And his ex GF still upset about it.
he he heh. works almost everytime cause then i'm almost assured of pu$$y on the next date or the one after. he he eheh eh eh heh.
What I need is for someone to tell me what to do about her, I've already tried talking to my fiance but he says shes just a friend and that I'm imagining things, I've made it clear to her that he is well and truly spoken for and she knows that I don't like her but she just won't back off!!
I would strongly suggest reading "The Gift of Fear." When men talk about women's bodies in public, a lot of guys are (inadvertently, we hope) tapping into issues of security and boundaries and control, as well as self-esteem and personal value.
"do you see what I see" "
*I am Rhett, looking for Miss Scarlett. Where are you Scarlet.
Yeah, you might be right. I’m not looking to just hang out casually. She is always very agreeable to my suggestions for activities. She always responds to my texts, but doesn’t usually add much to the “conversation.” I’ll send her little flirty jokes referencing things we talked about. On the other hand she seems apprehensive about being physical aspects of things. I can’t help but correlate the level of physical progression to success. I can’t force her to suggest dates or send me curious texts.
Originally from San Francisco. Recently moved to area to work as a resident in family medicin.
Met her for total 1.5 hrs. Can't forget the time spent with her. She is Real charming lady and very respectful... amazing moments:)
If you drank enough to get sick do you think there's a chance you may have upset him somehow with your behavior? I have had numerous issues in the past with gfs that drank to excess. Them being sick wouldn't bother me (I usually would take care of them for the rest of the night) but a lot of time when people get that drunk they lose their inhibitions and stop paying attention to boundaries. Maybe your bf saw some guy hit on you and you were too drunk to notice/care and shut him down. Or maybe your bf tried to approach you and you brushed him of for some (seemingly justifiable at the time) reason. There are a lot of things that girls might do when they are really drunk that seem innocent in their mind but actually really embarrass/upset their partners. I'm sure this is the same for guys too. If you haven't spoken to your bf about it yet then you may find he was actually going out to let of some steam so he didn't have to start a fight with you over your actions.
My friend is engaged yet has cheated on his fiance numerous times in the past..Evne married women in our social circle know this and still like him allot becasue hes really attractive and the "alpha" of the group so to speak..
omg yes
Thank you EyeCandy!
My god, those legs!
Both our families explained to us why we couldn't take care of the child, but she wouldn't listen. She lied to them, telling them she'd get an abortion, and she didn't.
There are niche sites out there for everything, I suppose you could find some without pics. Also, some people are already doing what you suggest on mainstream sites - some don't have a pic, you could always talk to those types.
Brady, this girl might seem like she's the best person in the world, but she's not, and you need to lay off a bit. If you guys were really close and have been bf/gf for a few months at least, then getting her a gift would be appropriate, but you need to understand what would happen if you went through with this. Yes, it might seem like a sweet and warm thing to do, but there's such a thing as being too sweet early on. By getting her expensive perfume, or any other big gift, you're in a way telling her that you're infatuated with her and that you need her. That's not a good thing.
I've heard women complain about how some guy didn't try hard ENOUGH...when he was trying to be an unneedy gentleman. Go figure, right?
In your experience, is it best to give a second chance or to just leave someone who flakes like that?