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Am I just being impatient? Are there red flags I'm blind to? I don't think so... I feel he is trustworthy and genuine. My concern is still that he's using Tinder or not sure about me and therefore keeping a safe distance. My gut is that he's just trying to pace the relationship... and I should too. Thoughts?
2 6 5
looks mean...i like that
Want to naughty women, who's real, no BS, and see where that goes.
This is the part I hate about dating - disappointing women. I have a hard time letting people down.
Looking for someone to play around with and maybe shack up with for a bit. I can be a top or bottom when it comes to the kinky play. I plan to move back to Ohio in about 6 months. Lost everything in.
Single mom. Love movies, music and video games. Would love to have someone great in my life and enjoy fishing, hiking, boating, bowling and mor.
I'm in university. In this one class, there is this girl I have begun to have an attraction towards. Originally, I noticed she was kinda cute, but didn't really bother making any effort to get to know her (even though I had chances; more in a bit). As a result, I got to know other people in the class I'd usually sit with and chit-chat with, yada-yada-yada.
A lot of of guys think....
**Please don't start pokin around on his phone looking for stuff.
My brother ended up marrying a girl 10 years younger than him..lol
I'm sorry the world isn't fair. Women will hit it off with some guys and even go further that night than they will with others. She might avoid you or keep conversation short at the party, but end up making out with some unemployed bum who is uglier than you...or even sleep with him. She might instantly add everyone but you to her FB friends and make you wonder why you were left out.
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Only ..!to share ...
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Damn cutoffs on them shorts are to long.
communication is key to great sex...