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He is taking steroids but he said they are the kind that make you lose weight and that they dont have the side effects of muscle building ones. He said that he wont get "rage" b/c its only to make him lose weight
This was his last chance since I knew him as a flake. I'm sure he has some issues in life right now.......but seriously? Do I even text back to this?
Hi.i m very frank perso.
Not telling your girlfriend that she is an ex makes you a liar.
I'm sorry but why is everyone being so vindictive here? The OP is here for advice. She knows what she did was wrong and is regretting it. So how about helping out instead of dishing out venom s?
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Hey I'm just glad you found out now man. Drop her like yesterdays garbage man. Until she can pull herself away from liking abusive relationships she's not the girl for you man.
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Its time for the 'talk'. Not 'what can we do to fix this' but, 'maybe we are mutually ready to make our break'. You'll need to be prepared to put your anger aside. There is more 'unsaid' between you that is driving your relationship in this direction, than there is 'said' - and its the 'unsaid' things that you two need to hear most from each other. If you and he approach this as an opportunity to place blame, get angry, or overemotional - then those things will remain unsaid, buried under all the emotions that are driving those things. Say what you two need to and really listen to what is being said, and not what you choose to hear. Its likely some hurtful things will come out, and things you don't want to hear from each other - but it is absolutely necessary. This 'talk' will result in one of two things: a new understanding and 'reset' to the relationship, or a mutual 'goodbye'.
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