Was für Leuchter! Und gestern erst machte der Dingsda im Hof meinem Brunnen den Hof. Da sah man manchen gemalt, der gekostet hatte, was da war, und dann mit einer Handvoll Geld von ihr ging, das ihr ein freigebiger anderer notgedrungen hatte schenken müssen. Chrissy: die Puddingvariante probier ich gleich am Wochenende. Er war natürlich zu sehr ins Zeug gegangen, hatte alle Sachen, die er mir schenkte, auf Pump genommen. November von der Film-Prüfstelle Berlin, fand. Und meine Vorratshaltung wollte ich auch wieder besser betreiben.
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There is no logic, that's why I laughed in my head when she said she wanted to casually date and sneak around covertly for 5-6 months before progressing and taking things more seriously. It's only been 2 months and it feels like it's reaching the serious stage and it's no longer convert seeing how she came to my bday and I met some of her close friends.
Don't stay with this guy just because of the living situation. It's also unrealistic to expect him to move out, unless your name is on the rental agreement or lease. Being independent means you have to take control of your life--your living situation, your finances, your happiness. It may sound hard, but it's a lot better than putting up with someone who demeans you and makes you feel like you owe him. If you are afraid of physical abuse, seek assistance from a woman's shelter--don't stay in a house where your bf threaten violence against you.
I'm seriously wondering about this now because it looks like a trend as I'm getting older and its not right
Yep, gonna keep a close eye on this one..
I'm not playing some tit for tat game, I'm not looking to hurt her or punish her I'm just looking for the best way to move forward and work Out in my own head if I can deal with this and put it to one side so that it doesn't affect our realtionship going forward.
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