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My g/f has a fundraiser events and many work functions that she will invite me to. What I do is keep my expectations at zero. If she comes by and says hello then that is an added bonus. She is not there to entertain me. What you might consider is inviting a male friend of yours to come along/meet you there so you will have someone to talk with. When you are there just have fun and engage in conversations with other people. Met new friends. Let her do her thing. Enjoy watching her be in her element. This is her passion. Support her and have fun.
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How sad is it that these “fit” women’s standards and pickiness are so high that they ignore YOU based solely on YOUR appearance? If this is true, maybe “they” aren’t the catch you seem to think they are. Sounds like the ones you want are as harshly judgmental as you.
Hi. I am a very romantic man I'll cook you a candle-lit dinner then After we'll Slow dance with the lights Dim lo.
I wish we could see more of her face but the rest looks fabulous
I got a knot in my chest just reading the OP.
Admin jack or DU, what's going on here lately? Who is this person who comes up as deleted but if you click his name he pops up as different users? You need to get that sorted out. Makes me concerned for the site. Something is wrong. Did you get hacked?
I dont even like the Goth/Emo Scene/Fad/group/clique. But this is SMokin HHOOTT!
racer6: This is your final chance to read the upload rules and stop uploading terrible quality pics. More of the same old thing will result in an upload ban.
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What on earth is up with this? Is it a desire to be wanted on his part because he hasn't had that in a relationship before? What kind of guy wants a controlling/possessive/jealous gf? Do you think this is neediness on his part, or him trying to curb my behaviors to match his own? I'm sort of confused on his behavior and I continue to suppress my own bad behaviors even if he's exhibiting some on his own. I have developed very strong feelings for him which he does return. What do you guys think about this?