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I'm a single mother of 3. I'm a California native, so I'm still learning my way around Tulsa. I love to laugh and have a good time. I try to laugh as often as I possibly can. I'm a dork, a goofball.
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I'm just me.. nothing more and nothing les.
Hi..I believe that women are to be firs.
Later that week, a friend of mine told me that Naomi had hooked up with this guy. I called Naomi to confirm the story, she told me that she that it didn't happen. About an hour later she came over to my house and told me the truth. She said "I was so drunk that I barely remember it happening, but I do remember it was consensual sex." She went on to say that she must have walked home afterword and slept in her own bed. "When woke up I felt so ashamed I told myself it was a dream and tried to forget about it.
This one is alright!
Just lookin for a good time, lookin for someone i can be myself wit.
braywing - i checked. same girl. this version is in the series. there are actually 3 sets of her in the series section
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When I met my bf, him and I had different ideas on how to manage a pet in a home. He loved dogs but from a distance, to him dogs should live outside. To me dogs are part of my daily life, I want my dog with me, sitting next to me on the couch, following me around when possible. This is who I am, you take it or you leave it. My bf asked if it's possible to keep my dog off my bed, I said sure! I can compromise on that. We are now 2 years later and we never fight about my dog. In my living room I have an armoire full of blankets for the couch. When my bf comes home he gets a clean blanket from that armoire and put it on the couch so this way he's not sitting on dog's hair.
The fact that you're 40 has made you take extreme risks because you know women have a shorter expiry date, which is the only reason I can't hate you (because I think you resent the fact you've gotten older and it's much worse for women than for men). But as I said, I have nothing but compassion for women like you, but at the same time contempt. I hope you understand.