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The way she has manipulated and lied to you should make you feel angry. Angry enough to block her from your life for good. She is not good friend material, let alone girlfriend material. It sounds like now you are starting to see that.
Lol nice iteach.. but tbh this girl looks like a girl that goes to a high school close to mine, her names Anna.. Maybe I'll upload some of her.
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I will not give out my email.. don't ask!!So chill. Please.
Guys are trying to get into my pants either way on a date, that's their problem not mine. But if a guy is making an effort to do little things to impress me it sends me the message that he values me as a whole I am not just some hole for the end of the night. To be honest with you, I have never had a guy want to pay for a date and then ask me if I wanted to go back to his place, they do however ask when they can see me again. They understand after that first date what kind of woman I am and there is 0 confusion on where we are headed. Coincidentally it's been the laid back "let's go dutch types" that asked to "hang back at their place"
I keep getting drawn back to this one. I think it's the hair that tops it all off.
For one, ONE of you would have to give up their living arrangements, someone's going to have to sell their home.