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Hi. I'm Ken I'm 24 and very friendly I'm Panamanian & blac.
Pass. I don't want a case of the gin blues.
You have to remember that you're not the only one who is doing online dating. Nowadays, versus two years ago, online dating is a much more common and accepted way of meeting people to date. Therefore, the numbers of people will naturally rise. Add to the fact that there are generally more men than women who utilize online dating, and the numbers skew even more heavily towards a female-favored dating environment.
Admin: This pic belongs in "Braces girl" photo series.
Very sexy, but would be nice to see rest of her...:)
[Deleted, because I'm trying to become a good person]Western men with low self-esteem who find themselves in Asia suddenly think they are God's given gift to women, because they get a better treatment there than at home. The first reason is, you are an exotic white pale something with a big nose and women like new toys. Second, your foreign currency in a third world country has high value. Third, you as a man are benefitting from the oppression of women.
Lovely lady and a privilege to have met her. Highly recommended"
Please post all questions, comments and concerns to the Comment Page #1086573. If you post them on the HP I will delete and ignore them. Thank you. HELLO54321: True to my word, I let the big girl in. We'll see how she does. However, you also uploaded a pic with a prominent male twice and a photo with artificial overlay. That was your Final Chance. You are done uploading. JB LOVERINO: Dupes #153940 #156432. CHICAGOKID: Dupe #159591. Pink panty girl is a dupe. FANTASYGIRLS: Too old x5 Splitscreen. Strike 1. TEEN4TEEN: Borders x6. Crop and re-submit. Strike 1. KJIOPP9: Watermark. You are done uploading. STINE66: Screenshot. Strike 1. PAPOU1973: Watermark that you could have easily cropped off. You are done uploading. IDCLOSER: Dupe #141741. HEXY: Headless x3. Bad quality x3. QULA: She's gorgeous but a bit too old. POTATO: Dupes #155356 #157311 #158738. QIT: Faceless/age undefined. Too old x3. STARDRAGON: Pro x8. Watermark. You are done uploading. MRMOON: Too young. SHARPER: Too...
Got it all. Ass cheeks, tit slip, and hard nipples.
nice tshirt :D ...
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Thanks! I got some more of her in the next batch :)
Well maybe you two can plan a trip together in 6 months
I am a single parent of two older teenagers, I like to play guitar, write music, practice judo, swim, and have a quiet lif.
My name is Katherine (Kathy) Archdale. I live in the state of Montana. I am looking for a Military pen pal and then maybe we can become good friends and then start a relationship. I am 47 years old..