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Great front page - much better than yesterday for sure.
She is very HOT!!
The cake is a lie! (Sorry, just had to)
Honest friendly guy looking for someone nic.
Why is that you're curious about this? You say you're married to a beautiful woman...I assume that means you are happily married? So why the curiosity regarding the friend?
she needs to understand that *everyone* needs time to themselves to hang out with their friends, to hang out at home alone, to spend the day shopping or surfing or whatever. of course, if you're giving her the brush off when you've already made plans, i could understand her being a little annoyed. on the other hand, she is being quite selfish, especially considering you have one day where you are busy 12 hours straight. i know how exhausting that it is because i had a semester at uni where i spent every tuesday there from 8am to 8pm. it's totally unreasonable and illogical to expect you to want to go out after such a long day.
Men want passion that comes from knowing that their woman genuinely lusts for them. Now you openly admit that he really wasn't your type physically. It was more of a mental and emotional connection. I'm guessing that your boyfriend sensed the lack of passion in the relationship, and wanted to create some by making you jealous. If you get jealous and fight for him, then he's more than just your emotional outlet. Once you gave him that affirmation of demanding he cut the ex out of his life, he became more confident in your interest level and refocused on you.
great balance!
Problem #1: Won't give up contact with ex-girlfriends
god i love this one
What a great pic. All you tongue hanging dopes take note.
"Sofia gives an amazing massage with best blowjob if I ever had.Her face is beautiful, and great body.Thanks for the great time.hope next time we can try with Your friend.Her massage was one of the best in Warsaw.Kiss for You sweety;)"
But last night I was dealt a major blow. He had met one of my really good friends the week before he left and I had also sent him some of his FB profile pix when we first started dating to show her what he looked like. Ive talked to her about him and she is completely aware that Ive been on edge about us for two weeks now. So yesterday afternoon she sent me a screen shot of his Match.Com profile. It said he had been active within the past 24 hours. When we decided to be exclusive he specifically said he deleted all the dating sites he was on. I was crushed.
Accepting continued contact with those that she has slept with