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I'm also noticing a pattern: you write to him and when you don't get a responsr soon after you expect it, you start worrying. Why? In the future, when you write an email, give him a few days before expecting a response, even if he has read it. If you want more of an immediate response, call him.
2. "Is she messing with my mind, does she see me more of a friend now than a lover?"
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Speaking to her duing the week, and again, seemed great, nothing to worry about, looking forward to seeing each other at the weekend.
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What about people who spend 10 years in a relationship. The love/romance whatever dies out and they make a decision to break up and end the relationship the correct way. They then move on and find a new partner they are happy with for another period of time. I know dozens of people in that boat - in fact nearly everyone I know falls into that boat except for some of the older generation I know. Not many humans are good at the poly thing where they have multiple simultaneous partners - but then divorce stats show we aren't good at monogamy for life either. I would say the vast majority now fall into the above category of having multiple exclusive relationships at different periods of their life time. Serial monogamy I believe its termed.
If you have to do that - he's got under your skin, and is playing on the sympathy card...