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The next morning I got a msg from the bf, with no mention of the night before, i asked him again about it to which he said it got really late and he had lots of fun and fell asleep there... I found this quite strange purely because my BF is not the sort of guy who would just go to some strange persons house, and secondly he would keep me posted if he was going to stay over because he is quite cautious. he then sent me another msg saying that because it got late, and the weather was bad, and cabs were expensive and he didnt want the other guy to drive after drinking (he later told me that they had only had 1 bottle of wine over several hours) in case something happened on the road... I replied saying that i found it quite odd behaviour from him that he met this random guy, and in less than 24hrs just stayed over at his house...
Stop watching porn. If after a couple weeks it still doesn't work, I'd assume something is very wrong and you should see a doctor.
Hi.I'm a very out going person who enjoys life and makes the best of it! I love to travel and see new things and I enjoy the out doors..just tired of doing and enjoying life by mysel.
Well.. this is going to be a bit lengthy, but ill try to give all the relevant details.
Originally Posted by DadsLasagne
Help us ladies on this one, we firmly believe porn is the companion of a male who doesn't get any, but help us understand this deal with dating a woman and still desiring porn?????? Aren't we enough? We know you're going to check out other women in public, but naked? It's so degrading to our self esteem. Plus, we don't get to do it with you, which really bums us out...
Hello! Thank you for the suggestion, I will definitely look into it. I guess with online dating it's just been bad, and everyone I meet hasn't grown up and just. Wants to hook up. I've even been on legit sites I had to pay for. Every once in awhile I get on or try some new dating site, but then I guess I just believe that someone is out there for me, and it not being someone online. I guess I still want to believe I can meet someone out, at an event or through a friend. I guess that might be asking too much :/
In short it's describing me as a genuinely nice person. I am someone who takes care of others at my own expense without wanting any reward. That a more selfish person may not react positively to me. So I need to just let selfish people be selfish I don't need them in my life. I need someone who will give back to me as I give unto them and do so out of true charity not obligation.
i love to hun.