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i have been with my bf for 5 months as well, so its hard to know what to get them because u havnt really been together an incredibly long time. we are a little older though, we are both 24. i've been trying to come up with ideas as well (actually posted a thread on here about it). for me the issue right now is money so i was thinking maybe have a romantic dinner that u two make together. also u could just do something homemade. my friend gave me this idea that she made her bf love coupons (ex.: coupon for 1 amazing kiss) sort of thing so thats what i was thinking about doing. that may be a good idea for u since u guys are still so young. do u have money to buy him chocolate? thats always a good idea for guys of any age. well i hope i helped u!
Set up some other dates yourself, forget about this guy. Should he contact you in a while, decide then whether you want to see him again or not, you might at that stage have met someone who doesn't want to be chased and tell him bye-bye, you missed your chance.
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This just really confuses me. The options aren't just "living with mum and grandma" or "living with girlfriend". What about moving out by yourself, or at least sharing a house with other guys your age? Most people who want to sleep overnight with a girlfriend/boyfriend would do that.
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this pic has the best comments...should make HP just for that!
I agree with both....he isn't cheating or having an emotional affair
funny choice of shoes, don't seem to go with the dress
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