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A pretty brunette in a mismatched bikini!
Calm, copacetic and cute.
Some people are better for us than others (ie. they give you what you need).
oh dear got what a body
That would completely blow my cover on the "people you might know" story.
same girls #2008
This is another reason why you should ask for exclusivity if you are into a woman.
Tough to choose!
Maybe you can handle the long distance relationships?
Its getting harder everyday for me he is pushin me to make a decision on whether I can trust him again and whether or not we are staying together or not. Everynight when he comes home from work the minuste he comes in I got sick to my stomache we eat dinner then I have agada the rest of night I can't sleep next to him I don't want him to touch me or be next to me.
They don't come any better
Glancing over your post again, and seeing that you both have been fighting and you're concerned about resenting her, well, maybe you will eventually have to let this one go. It's too bad, but after a year, yeah, I can see how you'd want to be more of a priority, even if she doesn't have much control over the situation.
Frankly, he may not have invested as much emotionally in the "intimacy" as you did. He may not even remember the reasons why he stopped things with you.
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lol. second that!
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"I must say that she will not let you forget the experience you had wit her. So good. Very friendly and she is very naughty and she will not rest unless you are satisfied! It's worth the time."
I will! :)
She's cuuuute!
I'm serious there is only one hottie in there. Well two if you include the teacher. I actually have the girls number because they first day of class we had to partner up and the teacher happend to pair us. I was so pumped was like thinking it would be an easy score. However the girl had a boyfried. If not I would have chatted her up, talked to her via text and tried to score a date.