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You might be at the point now where if you back off, he m,ight actually come back. But you have to back WAAYY off. And you have to stop texting him every day. In fact, let him initiate texts with you next time. And if it doesnt work out with this guy, do it with the next guy.
Now in a complete reversal, I have a friend who I used to work with (we both no longer work together or in same company) who I have known for about 2 years. We will meet up now and then for coffee, lunch, etc. Well, when I first met her, I had absolutely no physical attraction to her. Perhaps it was because I was her supervisor and I crushed those thoughts, not sure. She is considered by those who have seen her or her picture, to be very attractive.
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In reality it does not matter who calls who, the communication is there. If you call and she shows you got a winner.
I've met this lady a couple times. She's absolutely terrific!
Does everyone live at home?
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righty is really, really cute. is that a candy necklace? ponytail
Had an ex-girlfriend who fed me that same line (non refundable, didn't want to hurt me, cancelled, then changed her mind and went).
Maybe she isn't willing to cheat on her boyfriend and thought (incorrectly) that you were the faithful type also.
Tall and very busty lady... Had nice service ... Very friendly ... Met her on new year eve ... Suppose to take her for the fire works show...
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Must be a pic from last year.
5, 2, 4, 6, 1 then 3. a very nice group.
So it's not all that bad I'd say
What do you guys think about this situation? I have been debating about moving on.