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Hi.What up, I am just a a cool laid back dude I have a TBI. I luv to talk to my friend.
Do I just continue to ignore him or should I just come out and let him know that I’d rather just not share guys with other women? I know we owe each other nothing but I’m not looking to be involved in any drama and be just a second, third, fourth, etc option. Should I just tell him, and if so, how to word it correctly? Or just leave it as is?
Saves you a lot of the hassle.
Now that's why I have a list for short shorts!
I think I've just gone to heaven!
I am no expert, but logically, the difference between friendship and something deaper, is when you have chemistry and a sexual attraction towards the person, in addition to the genuine desire to be around them, based on their personality.
Seriously no one should be looking at anyone's phone here. I'm a believer if you can't trust someone, and you need their pw so you can go through their stuff, you shouldn't be in a relationship. Everyone deserves to have some privacy.
Write a brief blur.
She's not interested, for her own reasons that you'll never figure out. Just end any contact and move on. Make it a habit to ask women out on specific outings and days/times; if someone is giving you vague responses and not offering to reschedule, it's time to move on.
Looking back the only possible thing I feel I could have done wrong was just game her a bit too hard and was too much of a closed book. She was asking me questions like how many girlfriends I've had, to which I would provide joking answers and flip the script on her. She also had made a few comments that I'm so confusing and she doesn't know what I'm thinking....which I also kind of played off in a semi-joking manner.
I'm going to sum this up as best I can, and if you have any questions about details, just ask!
I feel like I can't rely on him at all.
number six
honest,beautiful,loya l,hardworking,romanti.
Send them a selfie highlighting the new hair cut. Or at least describe it in words.
ok, here we go the self portrait. Here is what close friends say about me. Im nice, stubborn, strong-willed, pretty, funny, honest, talented and caring. I guess that pretty much sums it up. I guess.