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Also...I think it is only a matter of time until she asks you for help with her financial problems. Don't give her any money. Honestly, the entire thing reeks of a scam. She's already planted the seeds for her financial problems and told you (a stranger!) that she will move to your country, thus reeling you in even more. Has she ever even been to your country? That seems like a pretty bold statement.
I am a genuine, humble and down to earth woman with a welcoming sense of humor. I love listening to music and watching American movies. I love trying something new. I love cooking , i love singing.
I am happy with who I am and am looking for someone that I can share that wit.
I truly believe that his mother is the biggest problem b/c she knew what she was doing as she raised her son in this manner. She is not the picture of a "normal" mother. Aside from what I already told you guys, she goes out clubbing in skin-tight dresses every weekend, and comes back to the house ar 5-6am...She allowed her kids to smoke marijuana in her house in front of her....She dates married men...She cheats on her husband...
sooo finee
after i dont
she got a bit testy due to being tired toward the end of the second date, and as i was reassuring her that i appreciated her spending that much time on me and would completely understand if she wanted to wait a few days before getting together again, and i could come back to the city she lives in anytime if the work was too much for her that week, she all but tongue strangled me before i could finish my speech .
She is so awesome, literally the best
So friendly so kind and so sexy
I saw her one time…
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Saturday morning same thing,he signed on a multiple times on it but didnt reply until I texted him again to ask if he's ignoring me.
Maybe we have a differen notion of dignity I was thinking, if she confronts him, he might become uneasy, and might also lie to save his face and to spare her feelings, if he is not just into her.
me too Nexus. Once a guy tells me they have a girlfriend, he's instantly in the friendzone. No questions asked.