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When children are involved, they use that to their advantage... (the children may not even be the biological children of the abuser) The threat of losing your child ((even to idle threats & lies)) is a major factor. These people are ""Major"" manipulators to family, community, friends, workplace,... etc... When they tell you that they will tell everyone that it is your fault in order to destroy you.... You know they can... only because you never let anyone know that you were being abused.....
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last night she called because every wednesday we go out, she called and left me a message saying Hey it's weds where are you? call me. i called back about an hour later, i wasnt in the mood to go out i was tired after working long hours for the past few days, so i told her i didnt want to go, she said ok i will go anyway, i said ok have fun.
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Ok, you want to be told where you are wrong ? I don't want to waste my entire evening, so I'll stick to one point which is beyond absurd.