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Kevin lurking somewhere? Those are his footprints, aren't they?
My name is Tajh, like the Taj Mahal hah.
Dear Lady,
3a) Get to know each other to learn if common attraction and interest warrant further time spent together.
For example. Whenever I'm with a girl and she's upset, she tells me, "It's OK! i'M FINE."
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My ex was incredibly sweet and caring, when she wasn't having sex with my friends.
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I'm not a man but I don't think crushes are solely a function of an unhappy marriage. Unhappiness & dissatisfaction are factors but not the only driving force. For women the longing for love & acceptance drives the decisions. Not so for a man. This guy could be perfectly happy in his marriage but still want something on the side because he likes conquest & it's a stroke to his ego.
Sounds like your friends had an amazing support system at home, and at the school to help them out.
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Really pretty.
I like her attitude!
I have been dating someone. Have not made anything official or talked about being girlfriend and boyfriend so to me, I am still free to see others.
In the dating world, this is not a gift but an insult.