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Be a man about it. You have to be willing to lose the relationship to save it. Be a man about it and have some self respect.
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he sounds like some crazed messed-up individual.
It's just women who get rejected and hurt, and used and passed over for something better and never men? Unbelievable
My views pretty much echo the ones above, I wouldn't think that your partner had to tell you specifics (nor can I imagine anyone really wanting to know that level of detail ), but they should at least be able to tell you what you wish to know. This "line" of how much is too-much is going to be different for everyone.
Hi. My name is Wayne I am 56 years old I have been married twice I have two kids a son whose 34ears old and a daughter whose is 19 on Feb.19 she lives with her boy friend just let you I am little.
Most of the guys in here are widowed and are in the arm.
I just need some good advice or vent...
Anyways my friends have experienced the same thing. It is like not the same feeling you would get when you are living on your own and dating a girl. When you are living with family (my friends commute to college as well) and dating, it feels that you are independent since you are in college but that you are not fully independent because hey, you are still living with mommy and daddy.
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if you send them what they need. Then why would they leave!
one great behind!