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I know women fall in love emotionally quicker but he was the one on our first date (we had been corresponding previously for a bit however) who said he wanted to be my boyfriend, spoke with a future orientation etc. which actually shocked me a little! We are both rather alternative people and so hard to find partners into things like we are - yes I wish I'd got to know him better but I am confident this is heading somewhere - he is not interested in his own gratification so far but focuses on pleasuring me - I think if he was purely after sex to dump me afterwards, he would not have been so selfless? Just a thought - maybe there are still decent romantic gentlemen left in this world? He is taking me the Roger Waters concert tonight and staying at mine so we shall see! It's been a long time since I've actually felt a strong attraction on all levels with someone rather than someone liking me and me going along with it which is how a lot of my r'ships started in the past - thanks for all your thoughts!
two words - hot damn
If I was single now, I would look into church and other singles groups, business networking meetings (ala the Chicago ABC Industry assn.- there may be single women there), etc.
He has enough women around he doesn't need a wife/girlfriend. Okay then, is he really what you want? At 40, no marriage. What about LTR? Anything? He has found what works for him. More fun and play and less investment and work that a relationship takes. Relationships can suck and can be hard. He can get the fun without the work, and he has a few, it sounds like, in his "little black book" he can work with when he's in the mood. Who knows how long before he's ready to settle down and commit, if ever.
What does your gut and your education tell you?
Your dog for life,
We haven't had many course corrections. They have all been in the area of communication and frequency of seeing each other. In one talk we agreed to switch to whatsapp for our texting since occasionally text messages would not be delivered or double delivered. Text is hard enough even when all the messages are going through. In another talk we agreed how to handle the good morning/goodnight issue. And in the third course correction we have come up with a workable plan to see each other more despit our busy schedules.
If those are not mixed signals (note that she only took out the sleeping bag at like midnight), then I apparently have no idea about human interaction and am probably autistic.
Looks to me like she is in the middle of an allergic reaction...
I apologize for feeling the need to protect myself, but it was spawned by fear of abandonment, and inability to communicate with you. Yet somehow you can’t see how this applies to my behavior or provide forgiveness for things I’ve done.
I had a thai massage with Jackie and has been fantastic. She knows how to touch your body. Goog service, nice girl, low price. What else?
"do you see what I see"
Hi.im Susan looking for a female free or geek knot afraid to be yoursel.
While i am in the "friend" zone....im not locked into it. My concern is that if i choose to move from the friend zone...will her lack of dating experience be a problem down the road. Also...i tend to lean towards establishing a relationship before getting into...to quote you...the "banging" lol. Thats not really my goal here...I guess im not really the guy whos looking to score.
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She has one guy friend she hangs out with sometimes. And has a "Childhood" guy friend she hangs out with. She isnt that old, come on! Goes to his house and hangs out. And puts me on the back burner! Hey im over so and so's house talk to you later....WTF...
Voila: List #4913
Awesome! Love that b-suite on her too
Very Cute(y)(y)