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3. If a guy is trying to date me, I really don't need to see what girls are blowing up his wall with flirtatious comments, or those 1,384 party pictures where you're a complete wasted mess.
don't b scared 2 fw.
Now, under most normal circumstances that would be bad sign/deal killer- however- she does work 15 hour days and weekends, all she talks about is how it's burning her out, and me meeting up with her originally was contingent on her crazy work schedule. I'm also not used to women who "take it slow," so that is also throwing me- which I can tell she certainly is.
It doesn't add up. He's way too slick in getting me to talk about myself or at least trying to get me to spill my guts without offering much of anything about himself. THAT is why I don't want to be stuck sitting opposite him like that right now.
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Originally Posted by slownumbers81
or am i floating feathers....?
FWB relationships can work. I just closed out one, and am in another one right now. I think you have to develop a friendship with the person first for it to work. If you guys just immediately start hooking up, you're not really "friends", your just two people getting benefits. That was the problem with my last FWB relationship.
OK, I have a few points on what's been said:
Hi..I am an intelligent, sexy, and fun BBW woman. College educated, and a bit of a flirt. For my job as a PSO I have to be various people which takes great skill.
I have her number, I have her on social media and I have taken action (somewhat). I asked her if she's has a date to our grad dinner, and she said yeah. So i just said, oh nice. HAHAHA. Now she knows of my intentions (somewhat) and I don't know how to proceed after that.
I'm going away to work again for 10 days tomorrow, and whilst were ok now it's going to be really hard for us both, and I don't know if I should stay or go. Can she be forgiven for what she has done? Can I trust her again? Can I trust any girl again? Every girlfriend I've had has cheated on me, each time it's more serious.
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Hi..looking for a couple really to see where things go looking to maybe having another child. if you want to know more need to chat with me y oo or suenelson with 689 to follow. so talk to you.
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