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It's hard not to be scared and depressed, but unfortunately depression isn't a very attractive trait in people. Ya know what I mean? You don't want to seem like a "downer".
I Have Been With My Boyfriend For 5 Months Today And Valentines Day Is Comin Up And I Have No Idea What To Get Him. He Is 17 And Im 14 So That Means I Cant Take Him Out To Dinner B/c I Cant Drive Right Now So What Do I Do???
You can tell it's the same girl
That is what I have learned having a history of depression. When a woman acts like I withheld information from her, I can see her point, but what if I'm not currently depressed or on medications? I need a woman who will understand "that must have been tough and I understand it is difficult to talk about because of the stigma. How are you feeling at this point in your life."
Summary of the original thread: I met someone, we hit it off, she texted and called me everyday, we were intimate but did not have sex, then she started being flaky and stopped texting/calling.
I would caution about dating at work...rarely ends well Then you have to look at them every day. I try hard not to mix business with pleasure!
I'm going through the same situation. I've been with my man for a year now, and things haven't changed, and the way he talks, things aren't going to change anytime soon. It's been hard, but at the same time, I feel like I've got a great man and I cannot stand the thought of losing him, so I'm just trying to hang in there and be patient. He's basically told me this is how it is, this is how it's been, and this is how it's gonna be for however long, and he's given me the option to stay and work it out with him, or to move on if it's something I can't handle, and he understood either way. I told him I'm hanging in there cuz I don't want to lose what we've got. He's suggested that I get busy doing things to take my mind off the situation and to preoccupy my time. I'm afraid if I did, we'd both be so busy and wouldn't have time to ever get together!
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I'm still not seeing why that's such a sad way to look at relationships. Isn't it logical?
If that sweet smile doesnt just melt your heart, nothing will.
The woman probably is posting those tweets hoping that you'll read them and dump him. But it's highly unlikely that she's continuing to do so without any encouragement from him. The times she's contacted you back tracking and denying anything has ever happened seem like he's just saying what he's spoon feeding her.
Thats all well and good, but the difference is you need this relationship more than he does. Thats why youre making all the effort. Think about it.
I am sorry this happened to you, feelings are very often something you can't control.
Have you done the same? Gone back and read what you wrote about him?
A very pretty girl with a sweet smile!
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That is probably what was said when women wanted to break out of their roles. You didn't like being pushed into a certain role because of your gender and neither do we.
During some flirtatious conversation, she let loose the fact that she had a boyfriend, he took her out earlier that day, and that they were getting married soon. I didn't find out how long they were together, but that wasn't important.