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See what he says. It may come down to giving him an ultimatum: forget about your past with her and focus on the present with me -- or else you can forget about having me at all. But I wouldn't issue it right away. If he gets it, great -- no need for an ultimatum, which is usually not a good thing to bring into a relationship. If he doesn't get it, well... would you want to bother issuing the ultimatum? If he doesn't get it then he's a bit thick and perhaps not worth the trouble.
It seems to me he is more concerned with himself than with you. He makes it seem he was sparing your feelings when all he was doing was disregarding them.
However, if someone in a comitted relationship said "hey baby" to a random person...that may be a bit overboard.
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She should be adventureous, creative, spontaneous, and not take life too seriousl.
Was/am dating a great guy, besides the pattern of disrespect that has evolved over the past month. We're both 25. Relationship was great until he had to move 30 minutes away. Suddenly I saw him less, but he would make trips to my side of town to hang out with his guys. Now, that's not disrespectful, I can understand that. But he also began to call and text less, didn't respond to me. Would sometimes disappear on me for like a day then call and text the next day like nothing happened or break a date and show up with an excuse the next day. he parties a lot, I do not as I'm in law school and slightly more mature. I do however feel that I am partially to blame because due to his behavior I began to verbally question and doubt his feelings for me. Things came to a head this week when we got into an argument VIA TEXT, but it wasn't even really an argument. Then he goes to twitter and starts subtweeting me and texting me at the same time although I was trying to be nice and joke around with him. He works late so I missed his call the next night.
I couldn't have said it any better. Sounds like she isn't too interested anymore. I'd just withdraw for a while. Don't call or e-mail. And, whatever you do, don't try to "talk it over" with her. That's always an exercise in futility, because she'll only tell you what you want to hear, regardless of how she really feels. Just disappear for a while. If she's interested, she'll come at you.
Then she asked for my personal opinion and I said that it depends on the understanding that exists between the husband and the wife. I said that if it's with another guy, it's definitely cheating, but if it's with another girl, that's something I'd have to think about because I've never given it thought before.