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All I know about unstable chicks is that they're only good for one thing: f*ckbuddies. If they really want to push forward for a real relationship, they gotta put themselves out there for *ME* , besides that every chick that is crazy I always put a f*ckbuddy flag over their head, I use my magic and make them believe I'm into them. I really am, but unless their behavior is inconsistent with a woman acting like my girlfriend, the flag stays up on her.
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Um....have to jump in here.
Tbh I don't really trust her but I do trust my boyfriend and that's the important thing!
....many of you, "Learn to read"
I have never felt self-conscious about my height, before reading posts from some of the women on here.
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Oh come on... It's supposed to be that a guy pays for a couple of first dates and then comes a point when she offers to treat him and then there comes a point where it pretty much evens up, right?
I am a regular gal who is looking for a regular gal. Someone that wants to ride the waves of life with me. No stories, indecisions, waste of time. I like things clean and simple. I like to do most.
I have been with my boyfriend for 3 months and love him a lot, but sometimes feel he doesn't feel the same. The other day he was drunk and said 'I don't offer him anything', and that 'other girlfriends in the past have never made him feel like that before'. He has said many things like this to me in the past. I try my best, but feel sometimes he loses interest in me, so I only make as much effort as he does. I feel like he is not over his ex GF and is just with me to replace what he had with her, or because he is lonely and wants a relationship. One time he said I have 'no character, no conversation'. I just wonder why on earth he would be with someone he feels that way about. He isn't as affectionate as he once was, he seems preoccupied most of the time. Mostly the only time he is affectionate is when we have sex. Half the time if I am with him he is on his phone or laptop and I don't even exist to him. I also once caught him looking at his ex-GF's instagram profile, and he has recently been liking this girls photos constantly whenever she uploads, since he has been with me, even though that is just a silly little thing it just adds to my paranoia. I don't feel relaxed in this relationship, but I don't know whether it's him or whether I would be like this regardless of who I was with.
a romantic and friendly guy from indi.
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Well done!