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Didn't deserve a partner because you don't make $100K+? De-valueing your worth as a partner due to money. The height of shallowness. No wonder divorces are at 50%. Too many people think this way. The happiest I ever was was dirt poor, growing up in a small town. Now, I have a decent job, yet somehow I feel too many people see it as not good enough. Just remember, no matter how much money you make, someone will always make or appear to make more...It's best to screen out the gold diggers the best way you can?
I initiated today and she was really responsive, as usual. Very detailed texts, lots of emojis and I think she appreciated I reached out.
Capisce. Much better.
Two dates before you decide to move on is not unreasonable.
So, will you still be seeking revenge? Will you still be airing this man's personal business over the internet as discribed above? And if so, will you feel finally vindicated? And if you do land a job working for the same company as this man, how will it effect your working relationship? (Yes, I've followed all of your posts) Sometimes the raft of unrequainted love can snowball way out of control if we allow our emotions to control our actions. I know you feel scorned, but I sincerely hope that you consider what's at risk here -- not only your pride, but more importantly your professional reputation and self-respect. I'd hate to see something like this come back around and bite you on the butt. Hardly worth it for a two-week fling. And like you said, it never became "intimate" so you really haven't lost all that much except a little of your valuable time. And at least, if I understood your posts correctly, you enjoyed the holidays with some very good company. Good Luck, Stuck. And I hope you soon find some piece of mind...
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We started discussing it, and IME I have found that the best sex comes from the most attraction for that person.
Joy was exceptionally good and provided a really very good service. She looks much younger than the posted images.
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As the saying goes, it takes a lifetime to build trust, and only one moment to destroy it. The fact that you've been faithful for 5 yrs won't mean a lot at this point. Make sure that you never let yourself get into this kind of situation again. It could've stopped at the touching stage, kissing stage, unbuttoning stage, etc. Your husband will be thinking about that, too. Being drunk will not be reassuring to him.
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If you are unable just to be a friend and respect her wishes you need to take yourself away from this.
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I have been with her for nearly a year and this started a couple months after we got together (just found out after Christmas). Both of them confronted me and he basically forced her to tell me that they were doing it. We ended up making a deal which allows her to still hang out and stuff but only in public places
Thank you all for the responses !
The place I probably see the most available, attractive women is at the gym, but I just don't know how to approach them there without looking like a hound dog. I figure they are just trying to workout and don't want to be hit on.
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So, how do I learn to just chill and not let my anxiety take over? Should I talk openly about it with her and admit that I'd really like a few more texts throughout the day? I've read that it's good to be upfront about your needs and that the right person will understand and make an effort, but I'm afraid to appear too needy.