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Well i'm 20 and he is 24. LikkleMiss: You're right I do know what i need to do. So why is it so hard? Why can't I let go?
Moved to Fort Wayne recently and leaning the are.
you are right about me not really knowing him on a lot of personal levels. we really have only known each other for a couple of months. i talk to him as much as i get the chance to, and i would like to hope that he enjoys my company and is not merely talking to me for 'getting in good with my family' if you know what i mean. maybe i just need to come to the realization that we weren't meant for each other? its a tough thought...
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Damn, she's got an ass and a half!
Just a bit of honesty and to be honest i feel better for admitting why i am really not contacting him!
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Simple answer: single guy and married gal might have avoided a train wreck.
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And if you think you have even an ounce of love in your heart for her, you wouldn't want her to be with a guy that was too chicken to let one girl go before he started messing around with another.
All the chatting you did, did you tell her how you felt about her and that you fancy her? Did you ever compliment her looks rather than achievements? Did you ever kiss her? Did you ever flirt with her?
Aww your post made me smile. So happy you've moved on and actually "liking" someone else. He sounds interested but to gauge what exactly he's interested in remember to take it slow. Careful with the dating others.. not that you shouldn't but sometimes men pull back if they know there are others in the background.