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Originally Posted by Kimbra
Ok so me and my boyfriend of 11 months broke up 2 months ago because of alot of issues we were having and also because he lived 4 hours away we hardly got to see eachother as much and it was causing major trust issues and fights. Anyway, my best friend, and I mean she's like my sister pretty much, just started texting him last week. As far as I know they've been talking everyday and she hasn't shown me the conversation (I haven't asked to see it) she's told me what they talk about, though I'm pretty sure she doesn't tell me all of it. I know I can trust her! First, she has a boyfriend she loves, second she's never really warmed up to my ex as they only met twice and thirdly she just wouldnt go there at all. The thing is I don't trust him with what he says to her and that. I still have feelings for him obviously and we've talked a little about maybe getting things together again when I see him in a month (first time in 5 months!) But it makes me so insecure knowing they talk and I dont know why? Maybe it's because lately our relationship we have now has just kind of gone down and I feel like he might not be interested at all anymore judging by how he's texting me now. He texted her first too, and ever since then apparantly he's been double texting her, asking why she always gives him the seen on facebook, teasing her and calling her playful names, talking about things THEY should do when he visits our town in a month, encouraging her to go drink with him and his mates and just overall texting her exactly like how he used to text me before we got into a relationship... I guess I'm afraid he'll like her and be more excited or nervous to see her, and to be honest I'm also afraid that my best friend will like him more as a friend because he's so easy to get along with and it's so hard for anyone NOT to talk to him everyday. I want to see how things go down when I see him but it also makes me sick whenever she mentions his name and tells me when/what he texted her (she always does) and that. I mean his friends sometimes text me but it's never flirty-friendly it's straightforward. I'm not going to tell her to stop texting him back but it's bothering me soo much. Me and her boyfriend are good friends (even she was very uncomfortable at forst finding out we texted one night) but that's it and that's how it will always be. Should I just kind of try numbing down these feelings? It's weird I want to be his friend but a part of me still says he's mine and at this point I'd be pretty devastated if he found another girl. Also I know the first few days they were talking justice about me but yeah obviously not now.
ty & *applause* (y)
It might just be that you are not compatible with each other??
she is so lovely
Tuesday however, was more of the same. I was beginning to wonder if this guy just considered me a friend...except for how much he liked making out with me...which we were doing a lot of at this point. Am I setting my standards too high when I say that I want a guy that likes ME as much as he likes kissing me? Unfortunately, I really like HIM....ugh the saga continues...
The next he says we're going to this Roof Top Resto or lounge. Something like that lol.